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Types of e-waste
  • Mobile Phones
  • Computers
  • Servers
  • Telecom
  • TV
  • Calculators
  • Audio
  • Scanners
  • Printers
  • Air Conditioner
  • Microwave
  • Washing Machine
  • Cartridges
  • Military electronic
  • Mother board
  • Alarm
  • Sirens
  • Automobile Catalytic Converter
  • Sensor
  • CD
  • Security Device
Quick Facts
  • India's hospitals to see patients with 10 times the expected level of lead in their blood.
  • In India, a water sample revealed levels of lead 190 times as high as the drinking water standard set by the World Health Organization.
  • Old computers and, mobiles are being dumped in Asia where they are releasing toxic materials into the environment.
  • A pile of 500 computers contains 717kg of lead, 1.36kg of cadmium, 863 grams of chromium and 287 grams of mercury - all poisonous metals.
  • CRT tubes contain avg of 4 pounds of lead.
  • Thousands of children throughout the India are attending schools that were built on or near toxic waste sites, with increased risk of developing asthma, cancer, learning disorders and other diseases linked to environmental pollutants.
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